at Insomniacathon!
astrology column below originated during the winter of 1993 as a feature in the
pages of a popular weekly publication. The main purpose for writing it was to
offer intelligent people another look at astrology, one that utilizes the planets
and signs in the way they were meant to be understood, not just fortune cookies.
Although the publication went under six years ago, Astrologick
lives on as a weekly email forecast report until now.
I attempt each week in this column is to read what the motions of the planets
against the backdrop of the signs might mean down below. Some of these predictions
are based on historical examples of events coincidental with planetary alignments
that are known and repeatable.
brings us to another point the planets dont cause anything to happen.
The planets dont exert a strange form of electromagnetic gravity that influences
events or behaviors. The connection between astrological signatures in the heavens
and physical events on Earth is merely coincidental, yet repeatable enough to
be seen as synchronistic. I look at the planets and their relationships to one
another as cosmic metaphors that hint at the implicate order, not solid truth.
fact, the predictions extracted from these metaphors are really nothing more than
educated guesses based on how previous astrological phenomena have coincided with
events on the ground. This is to say they arent always correct. Astrological
forecasts therefore should be taken with the same amount of salt as one gives
to a long-range weather forecast a grain or two.
recommended way to read these forecasts is after the fact. Unless you need to
navigate the future (signing a contract, planning a party or proposing marriage),
wait until after the forecast day has passed, that way youre less likely
to be unduly influenced and can more objectively see whether it holds any weight
or not.
importantly, this weekly forecast is meant to be entertaining and hopefully educational.
Please dont take these predictions too literally
as Im no more
able to predict the future than you are, Im just more willing to give it
a shot.
I would like to extend my thanks to Jim Walck for inviting me to present Astrologick
in the company of so many gifted writers and observers.
Weekly Forecast Report
November 9-15, 2007
By Gary Paul Glynn
Moon, New Cycle
darkness becomes nearly profound as the Moon joins the Sun in the heart of Scorpio,
bringing ponderous feelings and passionate intensity to bear on even our most
mundane experiences. Making logical sense of these experiences is difficult at
best, considering that the New Moon forms a 90-degree (square) alignment to nebulous
Scorpio New Moon takes place on Friday, November 9 at 6:03 p.m. (17Sco10), ushering-in
a one-month period of deep change and emotional awareness on a personal level
of experience. Repressed emotions and bottled-up sexuality may be bubbling close
to the surface, which in turn could leave you feeling uncomfortable, vulnerable
or even fearful, especially if you allow yourself to get swept-up in the emotional
whirlwind generated by other people. By grounding yourself in a calm center, youll
have a stronger sense of creativity, control and self-confidence in the face of
any challenges you encounter.
Neptune factor will probably have us fogged-in over the weekend, suggesting the
need to avoid major movements requiring clear, unambiguous reasoning skills. Your
imagination can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Relax and enjoy your
weekend without feeling the need to make anything happen.
the picture is a little darker as were seeing growing distress in economic
circles in the way of a collapsing dollar, foreclosures, imploding banks, sky-rocketing
debt and inflation. Scorpios strong symbolic connection with debt and resources
plays into the picture here. At the time of this writing, the price of oil is
nearing $100 a barrel while gas prices in California are touching $5.00 a gallon.
With the Scorpio New Moon in square to Neptune, oil, gas and drugs are squarely
in the cross-hairs between now and the Full Moon of November 24. This could also
coincide with a major deception being hatched.
factor layered onto the New Moon concerns a growing restlessness that could translate
into anger or frustration over things not moving fast enough for our liking with
Mars hovering in the heavens before turning retrograde on Thursday.
the end of the week, Mars becomes stationary retrograde, this time in the water
sign of Cancer where we might be seeing emotions reach a boiling-point. Mars retrograde
can often correspond with a slow-down of some sort, as the principles of action,
reaction, motivation, behavior and physical movement fall under the auspices of
Mars is retrograde, outwardly-directed actions are often slowed, if not blocked
in some way. The point of Mars retrograde is to give us a time-out, a chance to
more closely examine our motives, methods and behaviors. Projects and plans can
go ahead as planned, but be prepared for time and perhaps cost overruns.
Mars turns stationary retrograde in Cancer on Thursday, November 15 (12Can27)
and remains retrograde until January 30 (24Gem04).
one should avoid during Mars retrograde include over-exerting oneself; under-estimating
how long a project will take to complete; pushing the flow; implementing hastily-planned
projects resulting in waste, and starting fights that no one will win. Instead,
use Mars retrograde to be more mindful of your actions and behaviors while observing
the outcome of actions already taken. Mars retrograde in Cancer could also have
an impact on issues pertaining to home and family, making for some eventful holiday
the next ten-weeks may have us placing greater attention on military matters in
the way of ongoing conflicts and those poised to become conflicts. Most people
would agree that an air-strike against Iran would be insanity, but to astrologers,
launching a military offensive when the God of War is retrograding (impotent)
would not only be insane, it would insure defeat. Lets not go there.
entirely possible that Mars retrograde in Cancer will add to a collective sense
of anger and frustration as Cancer is more concerned with domestic issues and
security than it is with foreign policy. There is also some possibility that a
natural disaster or economic crisis forces the U.S. to make a choice on where
it will direct its energy and resources at home or abroad.
Gardening Report
transplanting and fertilizing is favored on Saturday with the New Moon in Scorpio.
Sunday and Monday are good for cleaning-out beds, destroying weeds and controlling
pests under the fiery Sagittarius Moon. Tuesday through Thursday are good days
to plant bulbs, shrubs and trees as anything needing strong root development is
favored under the Capricorn Moon.
Forecast (For all signs)
(Times are Eastern/-0400 UTC)
Nov. 9: Energy levels appear high this morning and early afternoon, but it
would be best to wait until Monday to tackle new business. The Scorpio New Moon
takes place at 6:03 p.m. (17Sco10), opening a new cycle focusing on things hidden
in plain sight that will
become more apparent over the next two weeks. With
the New Moon in square to Neptune, there is an element of unreality or deception
to much of what were seeing (or not seeing) at this time.
Nov. 10: Avoid carving anything in stone with the Scorpio Moon void-of-course
(VOC) until 8:00 p.m. Its likely that something
purchased today will
never be used more than once. Things lighten-up tonight under an upbeat Sagittarius
Moon; a good night to spend with
your partner or closest friends.
Nov. 11: Communication and thinking may become more focused over the next
three weeks with Mercury reentering Scorpio, but probably not today. Confusion,
deception, vulnerability, paranoia or hyper-idealism is indicated (Sun-Neptune).
Non-linear activities involving music, movies and naps are suggested activities.
Nov. 12: The Sagittarius Moon makes a string of favorable alignments throughout
the day, leaving some people feeling more optimistic and expansive than is usual
for a Monday. If you placed any new business on hold this past Friday, today is
a good day to put it in motion. If you do, keep in mind that Mars retrograde on
Thursday could slow new projects down considerably. Get outside and watch the
Moon pass close to Jupiter after sunset tonight.
Nov. 13: A practical and ambitious approach to business is indicated with
the Moon now moving through Capricorn. Communication takes on a more solid footing
this afternoon while tonight we may find ourselves conflicting and/or compromising
over shared activities with partners.
Nov. 14: You may become the target of someone elses anger first thing
this morning, dont let it throw you. Mars is stationary
before turning
retrograde tomorrow; a number of people may appear frustrated, angry or anguished
over something. With the Moon VOC for most of the day tomorrow, it would be wise
to put important deals into motion today if you can.
Nov. 15: The Capricorn Moon will be VOC today until 6:30 p.m., citing a hazard
for important agreements or decisions. Mars turns stationary retrograde in Cancer
(12Can27), putting a drag on outwardly-directed initiatives while forcing an examination
of motives
behind actions and behaviors. Uncomfortable family dynamics may
trouble the holidays as Mars will remain retrograde until January 30, 2008.
Paul Glynn is a professional astrologer with over
26 years experience in both mundane and personal astrology and is available for
consultation by appointment. He can be reached by phone at (812) 333-1346. Also
check-out Garys bi-monthly AstroReport at