On October 7th
1955 at San Francisco's Six Gallery, a 29 year old Allen Ginsberg
unleashed "Howl" a bursting culmination of self,
street, profane epiphany, a sonata to a souless status quo which Allen intimated
in naked cursed prayer. A flooding ejaculation of cosmic candor. From
that day on there was no turning back, what was before an evolving re-conciousness
of humanity in contemporary literature, achieved a definative momentum that is
still in motion more then 50 years on. | --------
are pleased to present the HowlFest 2007 Special at Insomniacathon On-Line!
Here you'll find Pix, Clips and Page from kindred Keepers of The Flame! We invite
you to join us in celebrating the LifeArtSpirit of Allen Ginsberg! But
first,a PhotoIntimae of Allen
Ginsberg to set the tone for this year's celebration!
Revisited As
we all have found new insight when we revisit a book or poem, Chicago poet,
Charlie Newman re-experienced HOWL and wrote a flurry of varations
from his revisit, Click
Here to Read His Variations
Drums Beat At
the 1998 Ginsberg Tribute in Central Park, Michael
Dean Odin Pollock's impart Beats Loudly still. View the VidClip from the
Jack Shea film, "Who Owns Jack Kerouac?" Click
Here to view VidClip! |
| |
to The Sidewalks of New York VidClips
of this wonderful Sunday Afternoon of Jazz, World Music and Spoken Word are now
in! Lensed by Jeremy Hogan, we are pleased to present this Gallery in celebration
of the 50th Anniversary of Allen Ginsberg's first reading of HOWL. Click
Here to view the Ode Gallery! | |
Whitehead Remembers Allen Ginsberg
a Cocktail Hour drop-in to The Bowery
Poetry Club during HowlFest 04, Ron Whitehead reflects on
his friend Allen Ginsberg. Click
Here to view VidClip!
| |
and For Allen Ginsberg
A great story of
& the Art of Driving 100milesperhour past Mayor Abramson & others from
Twice Told Coffeehouse on Bardstown Road to the Airport. Read Ron Whitehead's
Down & Out
adventures in Kentucky with Allen Ginsberg Click
Here to read "The

Here to read Allen
Ginsberg, One of My Giants from THE
Aronowitz Remembered -------
Al Aronowitz
a pioneer of rock journalism who introduced Bob Dylan to The Beatles,
died August 1st, 2005. He was 77. As a reporter with the New York Post
in the late 1950's, Al Aronowitz was among the first mainstream journalists to
write in-depth, positive articles about the poets and players of the Beat Generation,
the evolving Rock music scene and other artists who brought about the cultural
revolution of the 1960s There's
alot to be told about the work of Al Aronowitz and the best place
to start is at his website The
Blacklisted Journalist NYC
writer, dancer, Zoe Artemis was a
long time
friend and compatriot of Al's. Click
Here to read "Reflects
On Al Aronowitz"
