"PoorBob" Sushko
(Halloween) Le Grande Sabbat,
Day of the Dead, Shadow Feast, All Hallows Eve,
Hallowmas, All Souls Day, Last Harvest-

The origin of Halloween comes from an old Celtic belief system known today
as Wicca.Halloween is the Wiccan New Year called Samhain (pronounced Sow-in, Sah-vin,
or Sahm-hayn) and is the celebration of impending darkness after the light and
marks the end of the third and final harvest.
The living and the dead
merged on this day in order to maintain peace between the two worlds and many
of our Halloween traditions have stemmed from this. The Medieval Catholic Church
changed it's holyday All Saints Day to All Hallow's Eve in an attempt to appease
and control a still very pagan oriented congregation.
Costumes and masks
were worn outside in order to confuse and mislead the Dead Souls that wandered
that night. Druid priests of Muck Olla went to farms to beg for food and money
for their houses of worship and if the farmers refused, barns would be burned
and animals would dissappear. These incidents were believed to be caused by the
god 'Muck' which now has come to mean trouble and chaos. This eventually lead
to our Trick or Treat tradition.
The most common error, is that Halloween
is celebrated to honour the Celtic God of the Dead, Samhain. The Celts had no
such God. The word "Samhain" more likely came from "samhuinn",
which is the Gaelic word for "summer's end". A fitting name, since that
is precisely what this holiday is celebrating. Part of the mythology of the holiday
is that the God dies at Samhain, and the Goddess mourns Him until His rebirth
at Yule. It is Her mourning that brings about the shorter, cold days of winter.
After His birth at Yule, the days begin to get longer again.
Christians feared cats, for reasons as yet unclear, and especially feared the
black ones who could sneak "invisibly" around at night. It's ironic
that they feared cats so much that they killed tens of thousands of them, leaving
their granaries open to rats and mice, no doubt causing much food to be wasted,
and leaving Europe as a whole open to the Black Plague, which was carried by the
fleas on those rats and mice. Unfortunately, the millions of human deaths caused
by the Black Plague were later blamed on the Gothic (Satanic) Witches the Church
invented, then murdered. Cats, as "evil" animals, became associated
with the "evil" witches.

yeah, the Zombi are the living dead ! A corpse that a Zobop (evil Vodou priest)
raises from it's tomb and becomes an eternal slave to the Zobop. Recognized by
their absent-minded manner, their extinguished, almost glassy eyes, and above
all by the nasal twang in their voices, a trait they share with the Gede. So,
just how does one become a Zombi ?
Well, first you must absorb some Zombi
Powder, of which there is no antidote:
toad (Bufo marinus) which excretes psychedelic oils from it's back
Ground Millipede & tarantula
Mix with Tcha- Tcha seeds
(Albizzia occidentale) which will cause pulmonary swelling
Consign seeds
Pomme Cajou leaves
Bresillet leaves (last three from the poison
ivy family)
All of this is ground into powder, placed in a jar and buried
for two days.
Afterwards when dug up:
Add DieffenbachiDiodon holacanthusa
seguine ('dumbcane' which contains oxalate needles that act like ground glass)
Skin of the White tree-frog
And oh yes......
Four species
of the deadly Puffer fish which contain Tetrodotoxin (Sphoeroides testudineus,
Sphoeroides spengleri, Diodon hystrix and Diodon holacantus)
Final mixture
is ground human skull
course my personal favorite is:
1 oz. pineapple juice
Lime juice
Orange juice
1 tsp. powdered
1/2 oz. Apricot brandy
2 1/2 oz. white rum
1 oz. dark rum
oz. passion fruit juice
add cracked ice & blend, strain into frosted glass.
Decorate with pineapple & cherry. Carefully float 1/2 oz. of 151 proof rum
on top...... trust me, you'll be a ZOMBIE in no time !!!

New & Of Note! - A'nen Sedjet -
Four sonic soundscapes from PoorBob ( aka SiriusB ) that go beyound
the boundries of Shadow and Light. Click
Here to experience A'nen
Sedjet . Happy Halloween!