September 9th thru the 15th, the " Erotic
Writing & Fiction Workshop" led by internationally known
erotic-fiction author, Mitzi Szereto took place in
Skiathos, Greece. Click
Here to view Photos From Skiathos by Workshop participent,
Porter Anderson.

workshop, organized by Zoe
Artemis, brought together aspiring writers from the USA and Europe.
With erotic-writing workshop pioneer Mitzi Szereto guiding them, all learned
how to pull back the blanket on the field of erotic writing and to seek inspiration
by incorporating elements from their own surroundings.
participent, Maggi brings her inspiration to point beautifully in her poem
. . .
am realising now that my view of erotic
Is somewhat obscure an uncomfortable
So on leaving the session with homework abound
I walked down
the stairs and then about turned
A man dressed in blue with a case in
his arm
His eyes twinkled green hes no stranger to charm
I made some excuse about leaving my sun cream
I ran back up the stairs
my senses all keen
But the man in blue was nowhere
to be seen
As I stood there panicking which way do I go?
I heard
Miles Davis in the distance, the sound to follow
At the top of the stairs
playing out to the night
Stood the man in blue, brass instrument held tight
His lips red with exertion, his eyes tightly closed
The silhouette of his
body bent backwards exposed
Unaware of his audience he plays free to the
But me, as I watch him, I feel I have sinned.
Skiathos 2006 is now but a memory, reservations are now being accepted for the
2007 (July 6-July 13) Greece Writing Retreat Workshop "Imagination
Based Poetry" led by Poet Laureate,
George Wallace. Click
Here for More Details on this year's
Writing Retreat!
New and Of Note This Summer Zoe Artemis
will be teaching a two week Dance workshop (June 9-22)
at the Skyros Center on the island of Skyros. The
Skyros Center - Atsitsa is an amazing Holiday Holistic Center where Zoe
taught many Dance workshops in the 90's. The Dance workshop, entitled 'Ecstatic
Dance' will consist of Bellydance, Trance Dance and Expressive