New & Of Note
Welcome to News, New & Of Note where you'll find the latest happenings
from our friends and family in the Poetry, Music and Art world. Check back often
as we'll update with the latest and greatest happenings as they cross our desks
here at Insomniacathon.org----
New and Of Note - 2005

and of Note! On Sunday, December
11th 'Ode to the Sidewalks of New York Jazz &
Poetry Reading' happened once again hosted by legendary musician,
composer, author David Amram &
his Trio at the
Bowery Poetry Club.
framesters, Jeremy Hogan and James Walck were there snapping stills and shooting
video and the first Pix and VidClips of this wonderful Sunday Evening of Jazz,
World Music and Spoken Word are in! Click
Here for all the sights and sounds!
and of Note! On this December 21st "Solstice
Reveals" from Ron Whitehead,
George Wallace and Charlie
Newman in The Reading Room.

New & Of Note! On
November 12th at 8:00pm Michael Dean Odin Pollock, Daniel Pollock, Siggi
Sig and Gummi P.open for Delta Blues Legend David
"HoneyBoy" Edwards at The Nasa in Reykjavik, Iceland.
Michael is the second Insom alum this year to grace a stage with HoneyBoy as did
PoorBob Sushko and PaPa
HooDoo did at B.B. King's Blues Club, NYC back in September!

and of Note! On Halloween 2003 Ron Whitehead
took to the stage of The Rudyard
Kipling in Louisville, KY to kick off the start of the 10th Insomniacathon.
Here to view his rousing welcome in "From
Hank Williams Grave to Insomniacathon 2003, Keeping The Flame Alive!"
Also to comemorate The
Voodoo Musicfest held this weekend in New Orleans and Memphis,
Click Here
to listen to Andy Cook's poem (with Laura Thompson
Cook on flute) "New
Orleans Rag."

Note On Oct
25, 2005, The U.S. military death toll reached 2,000.
To make mark of this sad day in American History Insomniacathon On-Lne!
points you to view Magnum
In Motion contributing photg, Paul
Fusco's narrative Photo Essay "Bitter
Fruit." Documenting
the funerals of US soldiers killed in Iraq, Fuscos "Bitter
Fruit" is a personal protest against government attempts
to downplay the costs of war and shows us the bitter truths associated with the
intolerable loss and pain from the war in Iraq. Click
Here to View this powerfully poignant Photo Essay.

and of Note Rosa Parks, a black
seamstress whose refusal to relinquish her seat to a white man on a city bus in
Montgomery, Ala., almost 50 years ago grew into a mythic event that helped touch
off the civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's, died October 24th in Detroit.
She was 92 years old. Read poet, Rita Dove's poem "Rosa"
in loving memory of Rosa Parks.

and of Note! On August 6th, Cindy Sheehan
had started a movement by sitting in a ditch outside George W. Bush's ranch. From
there a face was given to a protest that was attempting to be made inconsequential
by a compromised Mainstream Media. Insom contrib, Jeremy Hogan was there
with a cross section of a Nation that came to Crawford to show that Cindy was
not alone. Amongst this mass collage of Americans against the war in Iraq was
singer, songwriter and activist, Joan Baez who brought her songs and stories
of Peace, Hope and Resolve to Camp Casey. Lensed by Jeremy Hogan, Click
Here to view the videos of Joan Baez from the stage
in the Big Tent in The Galleria.
and of Note! For
this year's Halloween, "PoorBob" Sushko
weighs in with some Swamp Sooth on this year's All Hallowed's Eve and how to be
a real Zombie! Click Here
to read his hoot!

& Of Note!
On October 7th 1955 at San Francisco's Six Gallery, a 29 year old Allen
Ginsberg unleashed "Howl" a bursting culmination
of self, street, profane epiphany, a sonata to a souless status quo which Allen
intimated in naked cursed prayer. A flooding ejaculation of cosmic candor. Click
Here for a PhotoIntimae
for Howl's 50th Anniversary!
that day on there was no turning back, what was before an evolving re-conciousness
of humanity in contemporary literature, achieved a definative momentum that is
still in motion these 50 years later. Click
Here for this offering from Insomniacathon On-Line!

New & Of Note! On
August 6th, Cindy Sheehan had started a movement
by sitting in a ditch outside George W. Bush's ranch refusing to leave until the
president could come out and explain, Just what Noble cause did her son,Casey
Sheehan, die for? Insomniacathon
On-Line! Contributor
and Alt-Journalist, Jeremy Hogan was there at Camp Casey for weekends
3 and 4 of Cindy Sheehan's vigil in Crawford, TX.
Click Here to see. hear and read his experiences at Crawford
in his story, You are a guest
Bush is our neighbor
& Of Note!
Unbeknownst to each other, New York poet, writer, George
Wallace, was also at Camp Casey for weekend Three. Click
Here to read his experiences in his story,
"Deep In The Heart of Crawford."
-- - Pix and Clips by Jeremy
Hogan -
New & Of Note! Michael
Dean Odin Pollock and
Cafe Rosenberg (Iceland's oldest jazz/blues/folk music venue in the heart
of Reykjavik) kick off Music/Poetry Evenings on Wednesday Sept.
14th. Hosted by Pollock, Cafe Rosenberg will be presenting local and international
poets/writers/playwrights every other Wednesday throughout the Winter into Spring

Note On this September 11th Remembrance Day
Insomniacthon On-Line brings to you, in respect and reverence to those
that have lost and have survived, three New Yorker's intimations of dreams of
better days and the potential we all have to make a difference.
Frank Messina with Dave Amram and Trio telling the story of Juan Gutierrez
in "Bicycle."
Read Susan Gerardi's reveal of potential sadly, senselessly
lost in "Boys Dressed As Men."
And view James Walck's VidClip "Remember
We Will, Forget We Will Not" .

and of Note!
In the wake of the devestation caused by Hurricane
Katrina, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama are reeling in the aftermath.
We here at Insomniacathon On-Line! have posted a page called
"For Humanity" where you
will find links and phone numbers to help the people of the South rebuild their
homes and their lives. Click Here
to learn how and where you may lend your help.

and of Note!
are pleased to present the Howl 50th Anniversary Special at Insomniacathon
On-Line! Here you'll find Pix, Clips and Page from kindred Keepers of The
Flame! In coincidence
with the HowlFest celebration
(Aug.21-28) in NYC, we invite you to join us in celebrating the LifeArtSpirit
of Allen Ginsberg! Click
Here to Enter!

Amram will be performing music for the memorial service for Hunter
S Thompson at Hunter's Woody Creek, Colorado ranch also Ron
and Sarah Whitehead will share a reading and a song for their fellow
Kentuckian at the August 20th service.

and of Note
Al Aronowitz
pioneer of rock journalism who introduced Bob Dylan to the Beatles, died August
1st. He was 77. As a reporter with the New York Post in the late 1950's, Al Aronowitz
was among the first mainstream journalists to write in-depth, positive articles
about the poets and players of the Beat Generation, the evolving Rock
music scene and other
artists who brought about the cultural revolution of the 1960s.
There is
much more to tell about Al Aronowitz and the best place to start and learn
more about his work. life and times is at his website, The
Blacklisted Journalist . Also
read long time friend and compatriot, NYC writer, dancer, Zoe
Artemis "Reflects
On Al Aronowitz" in
the Insomniacathon On-Line! Reading Room.
& Of Note!
the "Imagination-Based Poetry
led by New York Poet Laureate George
Wallace took place in Skiathos,
Greece. Organized by NYC writer, dancer, Zoe
writers from the USA and Europe came to this beautiful island in the Aegean Sea
to discover their potential
and refine their craft, Click Here
for the pix and the poetry from Greece!
New & Of Note! Sarah
Elizabeth Whitehead celebrates the official release of her new CD, When
The Redbuds Bloom in concert at The
Rudyard Kipling on August 1st. Performing with Sarah: Joe Manning, Tyrone
Cotton, Peter Rhee, Andy Cook, John Paul Wright, Karen McKenzie, Foster Dickson,
Jeffrey Scott Holland, and The Backporch Burgoo Choir.
New & Of Note! Insomniacathon/TMOP
photog, Jeremy Hogan is a featured
contributor in the premiere edition of the new e-Zine Volunteers
( a Vanguard magazine) with his photo exploration,
Solitary Life (with nara-missive by Ron Whitehead).
and of Note Kentucky
poet, writer, author Ron Whitehead's new book THE THIRD TESTAMENT: Three Gospels
of Peace has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. He has
also been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. The nomination letter
was written by New York City scholar, author, professor Dr. John Rocco.
this Independence Day 2005, read Ron's poem "The
Declaration of Independence This Time" in the Insomniacathon
On-Line! Galleria Reading Room
days, 14 counties, 325 miles

and of Note
From April 30th to May 18th Sarah
Elizabeth and Ron Whitehead hiked
over 300 miles from Cherokee Park in Louisville to the confluence of the Mississippi
and Ohio Rivers. Through the backroads, railroads tracks and sacred trails Sarah
and Ron went searching for the lost and forgotten people and places of western
Kentucky. The lost and forgotten they found and now remember. Click
Here to read the missive of their travels.
and of Note
San Francisco Chronicle photographer Deanne Fitzmaurice,
won the Pulitzer Prize in feature photography Monday for her photo essay in The
San Francisco Chronicle feature story "Operation
Lion Heart".
Fitzmaurice's pictures
ran throughout five stories reported by Chronicle Staff Writer, Meredith May,
headlined "Operation
Lion Heart" portraying the efforts of doctors mending the wounds
of a 9-year-old Iraqi boy (nickname "Lion Heart" by doctors) and the
boy's courageous story to rise above his injuries after nearly being killed by
an explosion.
and her husband, photog, Kurt Rogers, are long time friends and mentors
of Insomniacathon/TMOP feature photog, Jeremy
Hogan. Congratulations Deanne!

and of Note
Robert Creeley, one of
America's most celebrated poets and a leading figure in the literary avant-garde,
passed away on March 30th in Odessa, Texas. He was 78. Click
Here for more.

and of Note
Philip Lamantia,
one of the four members of "The Jazz/Poetry
Trio" (Lamantia, Jack Kerouac, Howard Hart and David Amram)
passed on March 7th at his home in San Francisco, CA. He was 77. His friend and
fellow Trio member, David Amram, looks back fondly with his reflect . .
New & Of Note! In
honor of National Women's
History Month 2005, a pooling of the wealth the women at
Insomniacathon On-Line! bring to a Global Literary Renaissance!
Click Here to View!
News, New & Of Note! The Kentucky Women Writers Conference
is looking for women to compete in the 3rd Annual Motto Slam on March
19th. The KYWWC's mission is to bring world-class women writers to the Central
Kentucky region while fostering a climate that provokes an intellectual community
and social change. All experience levels are welcome. Women are strongly encouraged
to participate. For more info, Click
S. Thompson
- 2005
and of Note
On Sunday, Feburary 20th, Writer, The Gonzo Journalist, Kentuckian
and Friend, Hunter S. Thompson headed on from this
world to the next. Hunter
weighed in via an e-Mail to Ron Whitehead just before the 2004 Presidential Election.
Read his thoughts on the "Fear
and Loathing Campaign 2004" .
in the
Spring of 2004, Ron Whitehead and The Viking Hillbilly Apocalypse Revue (then,
Sarah Elizabeth, Michael Dean Odin Pollock and Andy Cook) embarked on The "Not
Knowing" Tour - From La Grange to Chengdu. One of their stops was at
Hunter S. Thompson's ranch in Colorado. View the VidClip from Hunter
Thompson's Ranch .
and of Note On
Thursday, Feburary 10th, Playwright, Arthur Miller
passed on. Click Here
to read his friend, David Amram's, reflect.
New & Of Note! The
new CD "Closing Time" from Ron Whitehead
is now available On-Line at the Published In Heaven On-Line Store
at TMOP.com! Click
Here! to listen to the latest Mp3's!
and of Note! On
this year's Mardi Gras,"PoorBob" Sushko weighs in with some sooth
on this Fat Tuesday 2005! Click Here
to read his reflect.
New and of Note!
Fellow Insomniacathonian, Zoe Artemis will be hosting the GREECE WRITING
RETREAT"Imagination-Based Poetry" Workshop
from June 25 thru July
2, 2005. This
workshop will be led by New York Poet Laureate George Wallace, publisher
of Poetrybay Magazine and the creator of the hugely successful four-city
Big Sur Marathon, honoring Jack Kerouac. Click
Here for More Info!
and Of Note On Friday, Janurary 21st, Kentucky Poet and
Father, Sam Young suddenly left this world for the
next. I first met Sam at the post-Insom 03' House Party at Bettye Brookfield's
in Springfield, KY. So in fond memory and reminisce of Sam, here's a couple of
VidClips from his emote that night.View
A Poet and The Charlie Parker Blues" and "Tales
Of A Brave Ulysses" . Also see his page in The
Reading Room.
Frank Messina and OctoPoet with special guest, Sudan
Baronian slide thru a medley of the Spokeface favs at The
Bowery Poetry Club. View the medley of You Will Not
Break Me, Lead Me Not Into Temptation and Rhythm
Vacuum at The i-Video
Susan Gerardi joins us in The
Reading Room with her reflects on Life, Love and Getting On
in a Post 9/11 NYC. Click Here
to read her reflects.
and of Note! Jeremy Hogan, Insom and TMOP photo correspondant
of Note, weighs in with a reflect before departing to Washington D.C. to cover
the "Coronation". Read his emote, "For
the Reverend King, an ode to Langston Hughes and a poem for the six billion lovers
of freedom"
in The Reading Room.
Note! Charlie
Newman was
hoping he'd never have to recount this poem's dilemma in a present tense. Current
events, sadly, still keep it in chilling context. From Charlie's performance at
Insomniacathon 2003, view
"Here We Go Again"
at The i- Video Galleria!
and of Note! Charlie Newman weighs in on this Martin
Luther King Day 2005. Read his poem, "for
MLK" in The
Reading Room.
and of Note! Elizabeth Jasper
projects on this Martin Luther King Day 2005 and the week ahead. Read her
poem, "this week suite"
in The Reading Room.
Zoe Artemis comes to The Reading
Room with a reflect on a Howlfest 2004' night at The C-Note
in NYC. Click Here
to read the reflect.
"It Talks To Your Brain" Call it firk, chappeau, fedora
or lid, Bob Holman puts his spin on this near appendage for the Ted
Joans' Life Celebration at
The Bowery Poetry Club.
"The Hat"
in i-Video
and Musician, Colin Shaddick joins us in The
Reading Room.
New! View the new VidClip of
Messina and OctoPoet Live at The BPC!
doing "Bicycle" at the i-Video
New and of Note! And as the Insom/OL
experience continues, head to the Reading Room
to read new offerings from Michael Dean Odin Pollock,
Sarah Elizabeth Whitehead and Art
Goodtimes .
New! Part Two in "Homilys"
from Abiquiu and from Mojave!
A Word and a Prayer
for 2005 from James Walck.
New & Of Note! For
Insomniacathon 04' On-Line! We are pleased to bring to the Galleria
the first in a series of i-Video from the "Not
Knowing" Tour - From La Grange to Chengdu. Operative
word here is "first". There's more to come, check back
We wish you the
best in this New Year 2005!
Knowing . . . and the beauty of that yet to be revealed!
all around!
- James Walck -
Barth sneaks in under the wire! Read "The Day After
Hank Williams Birthday" in the Reading Room!
read it here . . . now you can
Listen to It!
here to listen to "I'm
Running Out" from the new Charlie Newman CD, "Mouth
& Hands - Live from The Bowery Poetry Club". Also
listen to "deadmachinecity".
Music by Jonny Drexler and JT Neiser (aka My Secret Service).
Gerardi comes to the Reading Room, Read
Messina and OctoPoet -
Live at The BPC -
2nd, 2004 Messina and OctoPoet take the stage at The
Bowery Poetry Club and what was penned in 2001 is not much different as
we make for 2005. Lensed by Robert O'Haire. Click
Here to view in The
Walck with Bunny Sigler
was sched' as a casual Sunday afternoon R&B session in the Philly burbs' found
James laying the bottom down for a couple of tunes with TSOP titan, Bunny Sigler.
Click Here to listen at
The Mp3 Listening Booth in The Galleria!
on the net at: www.eastvillageradio.com
Here for more info!
A Ron
Whitehead Christmas Poem, "Mama"
read the poem and view VidClip! Click
Tuna "Airborne" Jorma
and Jack take it to the tarmac on a hot August night at The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum
airfield in Reading, PA. From the James Walck film.
View Embryonic
Journey in The Video Galleria.
More media from Bettye's Bash,
watch Sarah Elizabeth and Ron Whitehead bring it home with "How
Many More Times - High On A Mountain" VidClip from "Picking
Up Where We Left Off".
of Insom Alumni, InKY 04' Poetry Slammer, Amanda Johnston in the
Galleria and
new offerings from John Kusak, Adam Watson, Foster Dickson
and Sydney Gayle Maddox in The Reading
Room. Also visit our new Links section!
Insom04/OL Premiere! In Honor of the InKY Writing Series,
hosting their 1st Annual Poetry Slam
at the Rudyard Kipling in
Louisville, Kentucky, we were pleased to present "Picking
Up Where We Left Off" .
this first offering of media from this wonderful evening we welcome you to this
great party that was the inspiration to this year's theme design for Insomniacthon
04' On-Line!
Whitehead, James Walck and Andy Cook address The
"Not Knowing"
and Dave Amram "Releases Holy
Moly!" at the i-Video stage, In the i- Galleries,
"Pix from The Party" also
look at Libby Akerman's ArtBook "Not Knowing"
in the Reading Room and listen to just recently found tracks from Dave
Amram's "EarthJam" at St. Catherine's,
EarthDay 2003 in the Mp3 Listening Booth!
of Note, new video from The C-Note on a Howlfest 2004 night in
NYC. See Zoe Artemis with Dave Amram Trio stroll some Old
Angel Midnight with a reflect from Dharma
Bums at the i-Video stage in The Video
Amram & Frank Messina (NYC) have a fantastic new CD "THE
LONG ROAD TO NOWHERESVILLE" out on Spokeface Records. A CD release
party was held on November 13th at Bob Holman's Bowery
Poetry Club. Listen to select tracks from the CD at our Mp3
Listening Booth.
are rumors that the Paul K/Ron Whitehead SWAN BOATS @ FOUR CD will soon
be picked up by a Dutch label. Listen to select tracks from the CD at our Mp3
Listening Booth.
Newman (Chicago) has a new Chapbook out. Charlie is a mover and shaker on
the Chicago poetry scene. See him perform at the
i-Video Theatre and sit with his offering
to our Reading Room! To order a copy
of Charlie's latest and greatest, contact him at zootsuitbeatnick@yahoo.com
Foster Dickson
(Montgomery, Alabama) newest edition of HONEYDU #3 which features work
by Tom House, Charlie Newman, Ron Whitehead & others is finally out. It's
a Beautyfully produced publication and you can get one by contacting Foster at
honeydu@honeydu.org .
Shaddick (England) is accepting submissions for his first issue of SAW:
Poetry With An Edge. Colin, an excellent international poet, wants poems that
are radical, multicultural and international written by freethinking poets who
are unconcerned with cliques and trends. Submissions should be sent to sawpoems@btinternet.com
no later than January 31st.
Papaleo (Italy) is nearly complete. The book will be published in Italian
and English. A Spring 2005 release is expected.
Deakin (London, England) called to say that LIPS (London International
Poetry & Song) Festival will be taking place Spring 2005. First produced
in 2001, LIPS is an Awesome Event!
online and listen to Dan Roberts' (Ukiah, CA) wonderful radio shows on
KZYX/Z, a northern California independent
radio station Landmark!
View News,
New and Of Note - 2004 Click Here!

back often as we'll update with the latest and greatest happenings as they cross
our desks here at Insomniacathon.org!