writer, Harold
Clurman along with Lee
Strasberg and Cheryl
Crawford founded the famed Group
Theatre considered by many as the most significant art theatre ensemble
in the history of the American theatre. From October 17-27 the Third
Annual Harold Clurman Festival of the Arts will celebrate the ideals,
passion and creative tenacity of this true treasure of American Theatre.

the 10 day festival there will be symposiums, panel discussions, theatrical and
musical performances. On October 25th, David Amram (whom worked
with Harold Clurman on the production of Arthur Miller's "After
The Fall") will perform for The David Oppenheim Music Series
at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting. Show starts at 8 PM. Click
Here for all the info on the Third
Annual Harold Clurman Festival of the Arts .

New & Of Note! - Full Moon In Iceland Airwaves
- The world reknown Iceland
Airwaves Festival (now in its ninth year) will be held in Reykjavik,
October 15-19. With cutting edge, up and coming acts from around the globe,
Airwaves 2008 will take place at 8 main concert venues in the center
of Reykjavik - all in walking distance from one another - it allows audiences
the opportunity to attend the "Off-Venue" performances taking place
during the IA Festival. There one can catch a blend of bands, DJs, local acts
and some of the festival headlinerss doing surprise gigs.

Blues/Roots railers Michael
Dean Odin Pollock & Siggi
Sig are rollin' and tumblin' at the BaBaLu Coffee House (10/16),
Cafe Rosenberg (10/17) and Hresso (10/18) with Special Guests,
Ron Whitehead, Andy Cook, Luke Powers and Rubin Pollock.
Iceland Airwaves Festival brings all kinds of stellar talent to Reykjavik,
if you're in town, don't miss these gigs!

New & Of Note! - Stoopdreamer & Other
Brooklyn Stories - Author and playwright, Patrick Fenton,
will take us back to the old neighborhood as he reads from "Stoopdreamer
& Other Brooklyn Stories" his recent collection of short
stories about a lost part of Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn. Once a teeming, tight-knit,
Irish and Italian blue-collar neighborhood, Fenton intimates the dreams, trials
and travails of just ordinary people trying to find the American dream in post
WWII Windsor Terrace before it's soulless modernization and inevitable gentrification
which began in 1953. Catch Fenton bring back to life the stories of the cops,
the local loan shark, the gambler and all the dreamers that made up this definative
part of NYC on Wednesday, October 15th, 2:30 pm at the South
Huntington Public Library. But first, here's a glimpse of one "Brooklyners"
story, Click Here
to read "Almost Home"

& Of Note - Imagine Peace
- This October 9th
would have been John Lennon's 68th Birthday. On this day last year, Yoko
Ono dedicated the Imagine Peace Tower on the island
of Videy, near Reykjavík, Iceland.

Imagine Peace Tower is a beam of light that represents light and power
to the realization of World Peace, which was John Lennon's lifetime wish and what
he had worked for.

contributor, Michael
Dean Pollock (who lives in Reykjavik, Iceland where the Imagine Peace
Tower resides) wrote a reflect on John Lennon. Click
Here To Read his story, Lennon
Lightening Strikes Thrice.

Is Over If You Want It - Do what YOU can do To Give Peace A

Note - On October 7th 1955 at San Francisco's Six Gallery,
a 29 year old Allen Ginsberg unleashed his poem "Howl."
What was before, an evolving re-conciousness of humanity in contemporary literature,
achieved a definative momentum that is still in motion more then 50 years on.
As we all have found new insight when we revisit a book or poem, Chicago poet,
Charlie Newman re-experienced HOWL and wrote a flurry of varations
from his revisit. Click Here
to read an excerpt from Charlie Newman's . . .

e v i s i t e d

and Of Note! - Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival!
- Celebrating Jack Kerouac's life and writings, it's 4 days
in Kerouac's hometown, where one can walk the streets he wrote about, listen to
poetry in Kerouac Park, see films beatif , hear great Jazz and from the Merrimack
to Desolation Peak, this year as Lowell Celebrates Kerouac, it also fetes the
50th Anniversary of the publication of The
Dharma Bums.

it's catching David Amram skatin' and swingin' at Cappys Copper
Kettle or Club Paridiso, finding one's Metta with George Wallace
in Kerouac Park or watching the seminal Robert Frank and Alfred
Leslie film, Pull My Daisy
or soon to be classic Curt Worden docupic on Kerouacs experience
at Bixby CanyonBig Sur One
Fast Move or Im Gone (with John Ventimiglia as
Kerouac) or just walking the streets of Lowell chasing the Ghosts of the Pawtucketville
Night, there's this and so much more to be experienced, lived and breathed as
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! Festival starts October 2nd and runs till
the 5th. Click
Here for More Info on Lowell
Celebrates Kerouac Festival!

New & Of Note! - Chicago Calling
- The Third Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival - October 1-12
- Chicago-based artists will showcase performances and projects that involve
collaborations with artists living in the USA and in other countries around the
globe. The collaborations between the Chicago artists and those living elsewhere
will be prepared, improvised, or a combination of both. Some of the performances
will involve live feeds between Chicago and elsewhere. Be sure to go to WNUR
89.3 FM for some of these Live Feeds streaming on the Web!
Click Here
For More Info, Schedule, Performers and Venues for The
Third Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival!

New & Of Note! - A Torch for Peace burns
in Reykjavik - David Amram will host a special performance
of his own work in conjunction with the world premeire of the Teri McLuhan
film (which David composed the soundtrack for), The
Frontier Gandhi: Badshah Khan, a Torch for Peace at Ráðhús
Reykjavíkur (Reykjavik City Hall) on September 29th. Joining
David will be Icelandic musician, Peter Gretarsson for an evening of ethnographic
jazz. Show starts at 5 PM.

years in the making, The Frontier Gandhi
is about Muslim peacemaker, Badshah
Khan who rose above the inconceivable violence of the Pashtun warrior
culture of the Northwest Frontier Province (now known as Pakistan) to be pronounced
"a miracle" by Mahatma
Gandhi. McLuhan's film brings the Badshah Khan story to
light and offers a glimpse of this man's vision for Peace.

& Of Note! - Kerouac Sunday In Northport!
- Sunday, September 28, 2008, Gunther's Tap Room in Northport,
LI will play host to a day long tribute to former Northport resident and author,
Jack Kerouac.

celebration and tribute begins at 3:00 PM with the return performance of Pat
Fenton's original one-act play, "Kerouac's
Last Call" At 9 PM, local poet B.J. Cassidy will
once again present "The Kerouac Connection."
Since 1996 Ms. Cassidy has been host to this entertaining evening of poetry reading
and music at the legendary Northport bar where Jack used to hang out.

New & Of Note! - Celebrating Nine Months
of Nine Artists with One Love - FiveOTwo Fetes Louisville and her Artists! -
FiveOTwo is a group that supports an artist in producing a piece of work that
expresses his or her love for Louisville. On September 27th, FiveOTwo salutes
Louisville's Artists with a Grand Celebration at The
Green Building of NuLu from 5-9pm Live music by Ron
Whitehead and Southside with the unveiling of the new Ron Whitehead
poem,"Louisville: Sweet City of My Dreams"
Click Here To Learn More About FiveOTwo.

New & Of Note! On September 20th, Farm
Aid 2008 will urge Americans to choose food from family farms,
creating growing opportunities for more family farmers. Artists at the 2008 concert
at the Comcast Center in Mansfield, MA will show support for activities
that keep family farmers on their land. Farm Aid 2008 will feature headliners
Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and
Dave Matthews, plus a cavalcade of top artists join this 23rd annual
fundraiser dedicated to Help Keep
Family Farmers On Their Land!
Insom alum, David
Amram, joins his pal, Willie Nelson for
his 12th appearance at Farm Aid 2008! Dave checked
in after his Farm Aid 2006 performance,
Click Here to read David Amram's
letter "On The Road from FarmAid

Note On this September 11th Remembrance Day
Insomniacthon On-Line brings you, in respect and reverence to those that
have lost and have survived, three New Yorker's intimations of dreams of better
days and the potential we all have to make a difference.View
Frank Messina "American't
Get Home - Bicycle" Read
Susan Gerardi's reveal of potential sadly, senselessly lost in
"Boys Dressed As Men." And
view James Walck's VidClip "Remember
We Will, Forget We Will Not" .

New & Of Note! The annual Howl!
Festival, September 5th - 11th - Named in honor of the groundbreaking
poem by Allen Ginsberg
attracts more than 100,000 visitors bringing to the clubs, galleries, parks, streets,
and theaters of Manhattan's Lower East Side an explosion of poetry, music, dance,
film, food, performance, painting, sculpture, and theater.Click
Here for complete Howl! Festival 2008 Schedule!

Be sure to visit HowlFest 2007 - Events and Performances
Page for Pix and Vids from last year's festivities!

Clips and Page from kindred Keepers of The Flame! Join us in celebrating the LifeArtSpirit
of Allen Ginsberg! Click Here to

& Of Note! - Annual
Let It Grow Benefit Concert - The Let It Grow Annual Block Party &
Benefit Concert will be held on Sunday,Sept. 7th
at 2:00pm in River Edge, NJ. Now in it's 13th year, Let It Grow
has sponsored and raised money for the Bergen County Burn Foundation, Tomorrows
Children, The Joseph M. Sanzari Women & Childrens Hospital,
The Imus Ranch for Kids, and Camp Sunshine.

year's Let It Grow Benefit features WigJam,
Particle Theory, PaPa HooDoo
Medicine Show, Mike Corbin
and Arthur Toufayan. Click
Here for Directions
and To Learn More About Let
It Grow!

& Of Note! - Cafe Rosenberg
International Folk Festival - With its doors just opened this
August 18th, the Cafe Rosenberg hosts it's first International Folk
Festival on August 30th and 31st. This first outing has artists from
Iceland, England, Australia, Germany and the US. With a strong presence from the
Troubadour Conspiracy, this Folk Festival features Svavar
Knútur, Jude, Stefán Örn, Marlon
Pollock and Bítur, Piknik (Steini Hjálmur and Sigga Eyþórs),
Myrra Rós, Kid Decker,
Owls of The Swamp,
Helgi Valur, Binni
P, Heiða Dóra, Gunna Lára, Siggi Palli,
Eskimono, Mysterious
Marta, Michael
Dean Odin Pollock and Siggi
Sig, Torben Stock and
Bergþór Smári.

Of Note! - Michael Dean Odin Pollock Checks in
After Cafe Rosenberg Grand Re-Opening! - The evening of August
18th, Cafe Rosenberg reopened its doors 2 blocks up from the original location.
As soon as Siggi Sig and
I arrived we were greeted by a glowing Doddi and a large crowd of friends
(most of whom I hadn't seen since Cafe Rosenberg was gutted
by fire over a year ago). I could immediately feel that Doddi had
brought the unique spirit/atmosphere of this crucial venue in the Icelandic cultural
landscape with him to this new location. Jazz, Blues, Folk artists were present
in dozens, wearing ear to ear smiles. It felt like The Real Christmas on Earth
had finally arrived. Willie the Clawhammer took to the stage to finish
off the gig that was interupted by the downtown Reykjavik fire many moons before
, then one of the Rosenberg regulars got up and sang a rousing version of Tom
Waites "You're Innocent When You Dream"
with Svavar Knútur
playing on the old upright piano that has miraculously survived all 3 fires...

sat near the stage and could clearly smell smoked wood as Svavar stroked and hammered
the ivory. A truly heartfelt reunion homecoming resurrection took place that nite
with handshakes, kisses, hugs Great Spirit abounded... you may burn his house
but you cant keep a good man down. I am proud to say that Doddi, Patron
Saint of The Icelandic Roots/Folk/Poetry/Jazz/Blues Music Scene
and Cafe Rosenberg are back in the Heart of Reykjavik. After a prolonged
period of semi-dormancy, I am horny to hit the stage again at one of my favorite

New & Of Note! - Poll Pop, Be-Bop On The
Mountaintop! David Anram In Denver - August
22nd through the 30th finds David in the Mile High City as Composer
In Residence for the 2008
Democratic National Convention. Sponsored by the Democratic
National Convention, The Denver Public
Library, The Nation and Rocky
Mountain PBS David has created an original musical program to be performed
at the Convention Center (August
24th, 5-7 PM).

Outside of Convention: From Fannie Lou Hamer to Barack Obama,
How the Civil Rights Movement Changed American Politics, it will
premier the new song, "I Am",
a song about the political and social legacy of the Reverend
Jesse Jackson written for (and to be performed with) the Colorado
Children's Chorale.

David's week long dive into Denver he'll be performing with his Denver-Based Quartet
on August 25th, 4 PM MDT (6 PM EDT) at Dazzle
in a Special Benefit for KUVO
and WW0Z. Click
Here To Listen Live on The Web!
Also on August 25th,
9 PM David appears as a guest artist with the Tony
Black Quartet at El
Chapultepec Jazz Club .Check
Back Here Often for more dates to be added while David is in Denver!.

& Of Note! - Rising From The Ashes - Cafe
Rosenberg Re-Opening in Reykjavik! - In April 07' downtown Reykjavík
experienced one of the largest fires in the capital city's modern history. Amongst
the buildings ravaged by the fire was Cafe Rosenberg (Click
Here for Fire Story and Pix),
Iceland's oldest Jazz/Blues/Folk music venue. With the ashes barely cold, musicians,
poets and performers rallied together, established a Web presence with a
Cafe Rosenberg MYSpace Page and organized benefit concerts at The
Loftkastalinn Theatre with all proceeds going to the Reconstruction and
Resurrection of Cafe Rosenberg.

Spearheading this daunting task has been Pordur "Doddi" Palmasson
Here to read his story).
With relentless tenacity he persued City Hall and Mayor Vilhjalm
and set up a petition aimed at the city government to permit the repair of
Cafe Rosenberg.

15 months later the good fight has resolved to Cafe Rosenberg opening
it's doors once again on August 18th.

it first opened in 1919, Cafe Rosenberg has burned 3 times, so if it's
true that everything comes in three's (old Icelandic folk wisdom) this should
be the last time. We pray so, Long Live Cafe

New & Of Note!
- Joujouka Reflect - Insom contributor,
Michael Dean Odin Pollock
is back from the Master Musicians of Joujouka - Brian Jones 40th Anniversary
Festival and weighs in with a poem from his experiences in Morocco. Click
Here To Read his Joujouka
Of Not! -
Master Musicians of Jouojuka on BBC Radio - Mark Coles' BBC Radio program
Beat" brings the spirit and sounds of The Master Musicians of
Joujouka to the Air and the Wire. Click
Here To Listen!

& Of Note! - River
To River - Joining of the Waters - Poets from the Ohio River
Valley join with Hudson Valley poets for a unique evening of poetry performance
on August 1st at the Howland
Cultural Center in Beacon, New York. Hosted by NY poet, George
Wallace will be Geraldine Green, Will Sovern, Ron Whitehead,
Amy Ouzoonian, Brenda Coultas, Jim Deuchars, Michael Jurkovic, Allen Schwartz,
Theresa Costa, Susan Hoover, Donald Lev, Ronald Whiteurs, Amy Cunningham, David
Amram and Pete Seeger (scheds permitting). Show starts at 8:00 PM.

New & Of Note! - The Master Musicians of
Joujouka - The Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival - On July
29th, Morocco's Sufi trance Masters, The Master Musicians of Joujouka,
are celebrating in a music festival, the 40th Anniversary of Rolling Stones founder
Brian Jones's visit to their village. For a Day and a Night a small group of guests
(Icelandic musician and Insom contributor, Michael
Dean Odin Pollock in attendance) will stay in the village of Ksar El Kebir
with the Master Musicians of Joujouka and their families with a visit to
the 8th century sanctuary of Joujouka's patron saint, Sidi Ahmed Schiech,
and to the cave of Pan / Boujeloud. That evening at the cave there will
be a full performance of the Boujeloud Rite in honor of Brian Jones,
devoted to the healing trance music of Joujouka. To Learn More about this wonderous
celebration of Music and Spirit, Click

New & Of Note! - Biographer William
McKeen comes to
Books on Thursday, July 24th to discuss and read from his
new book, Outlaw
Journalist: The
Life and Times of Hunter S. Thompson.
McKeen interviewed many of Thompson's associates, childhood friends (many Louisvillians)
and colleagues, to get behind the drinking and the drugs to show the writer and
the man as never before.Long
time HST friend and fellow Louisvillian, Ron
Whitehead will perform some of Hunter's favorite tunes with Southside
before and after the reading. Don't miss this celebration of the life of a Louisville's
legend. Festivities begin at 7 PM.

New & Of Note! - Gone But Not Forgotten -
Today, July 18th would of been the seminal Outlaw Journalist,
Hunter S. Thompson's 71st Birthday. Although Hunter has passed over the Edge
his persona en spiritue still reverberates and still compells us to Question Authority.
In Grand Fashion on this day in Hunter's hometown of Louisville, KY the Faithful
take to the streets.

Whitehead and Southside play an instore concert at ear-X-tacy
celebrating the life of Hunter S. Thompson, the new release of William
McKeen's Hunter S. Thompson biography, "Outlaw
Journalist: The Life and Times of Hunter S. Thompson"
and the official Release of their CD "Southside
Lounge" Festivities begin at 7:00 PM.

& Of Note! - Full Moon
In The Midnight Sun - Cafe
Rosenberg alums Michael
Dean Odin Pollock and compatriot Siggi
Sig join Aussie indie-rockers Owls
Of The Swamp at the BaBaLu Coffeehouse in Reykjavik on July
18th. Joining them will be Special Guests Marlon Pollock and Money
For My Honey. Show starts at 9:00 PM.

& Of Note! - From The Town to The City -
"Kerouac's Last Call" comes to Boston! - Patrick
Fenton's stageplay
"Kerouac's Last Call"
(in association with
The Image Theatre,
Lowell, Ma) makes the leap to
The Boston Playwright's Theatre
949 Commonwealth Avenue,
Boston, MA for a six night run, July
17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26. Tickets
are $20, curtain opens at 8 PM.
Here To Order Tickets On-Line!

& Of Note! - Ron Whitehead and
Southside come to Tuesday Night Reading Series at The Poet House & Art Emporium
- Will Sovern, the founder of the award-winning performance
venue Tuesday Night Reading Series and memeber of the seminal poetry troupe,
Shakespeare's Monkey, has been doing his thing in Evansville since 1992
and cuurently hosts the TNR Series at The Poet House & Art Emporium
105 Adams Avenue at The
Haynie's Corner Arts District in Evansville, Indiana this Tuesday July
15, Will and SM welcome Ron Whitehead and Southside. Show starts at
7:00 PM. Click Here To Learn More About
Will Sovern and Shakespeare's Monkey.

& Of Note! - This Land Is Your Land - The
11th Annual Woody Guthrie Festival - WoodyFest, commemorating
the life and music of Woody Guthrie will be held on July 9-13 in
Woody's hometown of Okemah, Oklahoma. This year's headliner is the one and only
Judy Collins.
Also at WoodyFest will be David Amram for his fourth conseccutive appearence
along with Adam Amram and his daughter-in-law Teresa Colamonaco
who'll both be performing with him. David will give a concert as well as accompany
poets from Oklahoma in a special afternoon program. He'll also play for a tribute
to Phil Ochs
and also discuss his recent composition
"Symphonic Variations on a Song by Woody Guthrie".
Click Here To Learn
More About WoodyFest!

Of Note! - The
World Premiere of David Amram's
"Symphonic Variations On A Song By Woody
Guthrie" was
performed by the
Silicon Valley on
September 29th, 2007.
Click Here To Read
David Amram's Notes for Symphonic Variations
on a Song by Woody Guthrie.

you can hear the world premiere performance on line from the website of
Symphony Silicon Valley. Click
Here To Listen!

Note On
this Independence
Day 2008, the Ron Whitehead poem "The
Declaration of Independence This Time" once again brings
a sobering perspective to light. .

New & Of Note! - Beach Poets Kicks
Off 2008 Season! - Beach Poets is a unique performance poetry
venue that has been a dynamic part of the cultural climate of Chicago since 1990.
Founded and hosted by award-winning poet and playwright, Cathleen Schandelmeier,
Beach Poets takes place from 4 pm-5:30 pm on Loyola Beach every Sunday
afternoon during the Summer. Click Here
for More Info on Beach Poets!

& Of Note! - Writers On The Vine Series at
Palmer Vineyards with "Jack's Last Call" Author Patrick Fenton
- A look at Jack Kerouac with playwright Patrick Fenton
and members of the cast of "Jack's Last
Call" at The Palmer
Vineyards, Riverhead, NY on June 22nd, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM. Come
join Fenton and JLC cast members for a glass of wine and conversation on his AudioPlay
of "Jack's Last
Call." $10 Admission and complimentary glass of Plamer
Vineyards wine.

& Of Note! - - Run River Run - The
Clearwater Festival - The Great Hudson River Revival Music and Environmental Summer
Festival - The
Clearwater Festival one of the countrys largest annual environmental
activism celebrations with music, dance and storytelling will be held at Croton
Point Park June 21-22 on the historic Hudson River. Appearing along
with Clearwater Founder and legendary singer, songwruter,activist, Pete Seeger,
will be David Amram, The Skatalites, Cheryl Wheeler, The Kennedys, Chris Thompson,
Gandalf Murphy & The Slambovian Circus of Dreams and dozens of other great
performers. Click The Following Links To Learn More
abou the environmental organization Clearwater
and The
Clearwater Festival -The Great Hudson River Revival Music and Environmental
Summer Festival!

& Of Note! - WFPK LIVE LUNCH with Ron Whitehead
and Southside - 91.5 WFPK Radio Louisville welcomes Ron Whitehead
and Southside to Louisville Public Media Performance Space at 619 S. Fourth
Street in downtown Louisville at Noon on June 20th. You can listen to
91.9 WFPKs live broadcast via the Internet. Streaming audio is available
in RealPlayer,
Windows Media Player,
and MP3 formats.
Show starts at 12 Noon EDT. Also
Of Note! - If you might of missed the WFPK Live Lunch Broadcast
of Ron Whitehead and Southside, Click
Here and you can go to The
Live Lunch Audio Archives and hear their June 20th performance!

& Of Note! - Jazz Jam
Sessions at Riverspace! - Riverspace
Arts in Nyack continues the long tradition of weekly jazz jam sessions
this Tuesday, June 17th. This year's kick-off show is a A Special Evening of Jazz
+ Poetry featuring saxophonist. Erik
Lawrence with members of the Riverspace Jazz House Band who'll
provide the sonic landscape to the prose of Frank
Messina and Pamela Hart.
Show starts at 7:30, Tickets: $9. The Riverspace Jazz Series is proudly
sponsored by The Rockland County
Jazz & Blues Society.

Note -
Symbol, Statement or Shill - On this Flag
Day 2008, an
"Observation and Perspective*
by Insom alt-journalist,
Jeremy Hogan inspired
by an ill-flown American Flag.
Click Here for
Symbol, Statement or Shill .

Note - "It Is My Duty To Report
. . ." -Tim
Russert, the veteran journalist best known as the moderator of
NBC News' "Meet the Press," collapsed and died of a heart attack
June 13th while at work in Washington. He was 58 years old. One of the premier
political journalists and analysts of our time, Russert revolutionized Sunday
morning television fusing journalism with his passion for politics earning him
the reputation for asking his guests the tough questions. His candor, tenacity
and dedication to accountability will be sorely missed. Click
Here for More at MSNBC.com .

Note - Who Do You Love?-
The Grand Daddy of them all, THE man with the "HamBone Beat" Rock
'n' roll pioneer Bo
Diddley passed away at his home in Florida on June 2nd. He was
79 years young. With his signature cigar-box shaped guitar the "Twang Machine"
he forged the sonic fusion template of Rhythm and Blues . Muddy
Waters said, "The Blues had
a baby and they called it Rock n' Roll" Click
Here to view Bo at his best intro'd by the Godfather of Soul!
Not Fade Away . . . Not Fade Away!

New & Of Note! - Tyrone Cootn Live at The
Turning Point! - Soulful Blues Great, Tyrone
Cotton and his band return to the legendary Turning
Point in Piermont, NY on May 31st. NYC poet, Frank Messina
will be making a special appearance with Tyrone and the band too. This show is
a Can't Miss, Click
Here To Reserve Tickets $20, show starts at 9 PM.

Note On this Memorial Day 2008 we stand in mindful respect for
those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. While news reports focus on the high
rates of devastating physical injuries among soldiers returning from the conflicts
there is another form of casualty, from a "War
In more poetic times it was called "Soldiers
Heart" and came to be known as Shell
Shock, Battle Fatigue,
Vietnam Syndrome. Today, we call
it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

the idioms of A Global Literary Renaissance the
Power of Poetry and it's ability to resurrect the Heart, give an equal allinclusive
voice to all that embrace it is cornerstone to the collective awakening of humanity,
strengthening the caring and shaping of the common unconscious life of all human
On this Memorial Day 2008 we bring forth a poem of self-empowerment
that rings in resolution and resolve against the "War
Within." Click
Here To Read "PTSD"
by P.W. Covington.
Is Patriotic - May It Come None Too Soon.

Note! - For Humanity - Insomniacathon
On-Line! has compiled a list of Links to International and Domestic Relief
Agencies and Organizations who tirelessly strive to spell suffering and help those
who can't help themselves. Do what you can For Humanity. Click
Here To Learn More!

& Of Note! -
The Bluesmasters Series at B.B. King's Club & Grill -
incredible evening of various Blues styles covering Delta and Chicago Blues, Louisiana
Swamp and Texas Blues too at the legendary B.B.
King's Club & Grill in NYC featuring Cornell
Dupree, The Soul Survivors,
John Hammond,
Louisiana Red, PaPa
HooDoo and Lance Lopez
on May 14th. Show starts at 7:00 PM sharp, Tickets are $25 in Advance,
$30.00 Day of Show. General admission seated show - First come, first seated -
Standing room at bar. A David Kramer Production.

& Of Note! -
A Tribute to the One and Only Odetta! - An
evening of Song and Stories celebrating the LifeLoveWork of one of Folk Music's
true treasures, Odetta. Hosted by Wavy Gravy,
the faithful will gather at Banjo
Jim's in NYC on May 8th. and features David Amram,
Cheatin' Hearts with Sheriff Bob and Trip Henderson, Guy Davis,
Timothy Hill, Emory Joseph, Christine Lavin, Chaney Sims,
Vincent Cross and Good Company, special surprize guests and
the One and Only Odetta! Tickets are $25 - Doors open at 7pm, no advance
tickets, two drink minimum.

& Of Note! -
A Beat Day at Big Rock - Stora Klopp
- Spring
tumbles into start of Summer. Beltane brings Poets, Writers and Musicians from
around the World to Stora-Klopp (Big Rock)
in Iceland on May 3rd for a collective celebration of the Spoken Word and Song
hosted by internationally renown Icelandic novelist Olafur Gunnarsson
at his farm outside Reykjavik.
Click Here To Learn More
about this ephemiral gathering in the land of Fire and Ice.

& Of Note! - The Pix Are In
From Stora Klopp! - Poet, Author
and Photographer, Birgitta Jonsdottir, who performed at Stora Klopp, brought
her camera and was so kind to pass along these images from A
Beat Day at Big Rock -Stora Klopp to us here at Insomniacathon
On-Line! Click
Here To View her PhotoBook from Stora Klopp!

Note - Earth Day 2008 - On
April 22, 1970, 20 million people, 2,000 colleges and universities, 10,000 grammar
and high schools and 1,000 communities mobilized for the first nationwide demonstrations
on environmental problems. Congress adjourned for the day so members could attend
Earth Day events in their districts.
The response was nothing short of remarkable, and the modern American environmental
movement took off. Click
Here for more History detail -

has come to protect and nurture this tiny blue marble we all live on but there
is is still much more to do if we are to survive in spite of ourselves.
In Honor and Solemn Reminder
we bring forth a poem by the great American counterculture Novelist,
Essayist and Playwright,
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
from his last book, A Man Without A Country,
read Kurt Vonnegut's "Requiem".
Earth is our only home. Click
Here to Learn How You Can Do Your Part to help preserve our
Planet for our future generations. Think
Green! - Happy Earth Day!

& Of Note! - INSOMNIACATHON 2008! - The
Official Alternative to Thunder Over Louisville! Starts Tomorrow April 11th!
- A decade since he last produced (and nearly 5 years since
the last live experience) Ron Whitehead once again
brings the marathon Poetry and Music Festival known as INSOMNIACATHON!
to The Rudyard Kipling
in Louisville, KY April 11 - 13, 2008. Click
Here To Learn More
Of Note! - Air Check - Tune
in to WFPK 91.9 FM Radio Louisville,Friday
April 11th from 3 to 6pm EDT to Laura
Shine's afternoon program. During her Friday
Ride Home segment (5-6 PM slot) she'll be talking up INSOMNIACATHON
2008 and playing tracks from the new Ron Whitehead and Southside
CD, "Southside Lounge".
Click Here
to Listen!
Of Note! - Media-Minder - Read
Jeffrey Lee Puckett's INSOMNIACATHON 2008 Feature,
Boom: Insomniacathon is an Alternative to Thunder" at Courier-Journal.com.

and of Note! -
Lord Buckley 102 - The Church of the Living Swing! - "The immaculately
hip aristocrat," Lord
Buckley was the epitome of cool. His comic philosophy intertwined
Be-Bop word-jazz virtuosity with highly eloquent British emote which he swung
like Bird's Horn and delivered in the tongue of The Bard himself. On Monday,
April 7th all Lords and Ladies are invited to convene in celebration of this
visionary of spontaneous American poetry and humor at The
Sir Oliver Trager Lord Buckley Birthday Bash at The
Bowery Poetry Club. Verbal and Musical vibrations will be provided
by The Church of the Living Swing Ensemble -- David Amram & his Quartet
(John DeWitt, Kevin Twigg and Adam Amram) sustaining the cerebral skatilogical
stylizations of Steve Ben Israel, Prof. Irwin Corey, Tom Calagna, Oliver Trager
et. al. This Natal Gala, Lord Buckley
102 - The Church of the Living Swing! - A Celebration of Lord Buckley's 102nd
Birthday begins at 7:00 PM, A splendid time is guaranteed
to all!

Of Note! - Books, Coffee, Democracy! -
The Bowery Poetry Club welcomes
the new Vox Pop into its cafe space. Vox Pop is an exciting mix
of delicious fair-trade coffee, healthy food for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and
a bookstore of selected titles to nourish and rouse your mind. Playwright, journalist,
songwriter and activist, Sander
Hicks founded Vox Pop - Flatbush
3 years ago and is psyched to return to the East Village/Lower East Side and
bring the Vox Pop vibe to the BPC. Be sure to delve into the delectible
delights and browse the book selection when you visit!

Of Note! - David Amram Celebres Fifty Three Years
in Greenwich Village - As if an evening of Lord Buckley Birthday
Celebration would be enough, David Amram and Quartet scoot around the corner
to The Cornelia Street Cafe
for his monthly revel "Celebrating Fifty Three
Years in Greenwich Village" gathering. Joining David and the
Quartet will be actor John Ventimiglia, poet Penny Vlagpoulos, English
singer / songwriter Beatie Wolfe and other surprise guests. 8:30-11pm.

New & Of Note! - "Jack's Last Call:
Say Goodbye to Kerouac" premieres on PRX -
The AudioPlay adaptation of the Patrick Fenton StagePlay, "Kerouac's
Last Call" premiered April 2, 2008 on PRX
- the Public Radio Exchange.

Here To Learn More and Listen to Jack's
Last Call: Say Goodbye to Kerouac."

Note -
National Poetry Month - Started
in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets, National Poetry Month brings
together publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, schools,
and poets around the country to celebrate poetry and its vital place in American
Click Here to Learn More about National Poetry Month!

& Of Note - Earth Hour - On
Saturday, March 29, 2008, Earth Hour
invites people around the world to turn off their lights for one hour from
8:00pm to 9:00pm in their local time zone. On this day, cities around the
world, including Copenhagen, Chicago, San Francisco, Melbourne, Dubai, and Tel
Aviv, will hold events to acknowledge their commitment to energy conservation.
Click Here
To Learn More About Earth

New and Of Note! - Everything that is
done in the World is done by Hope - In the memory and legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King the second annual Major League Baseball Civil Rights
Game featuring the New York Mets and Chicago White Sox will
be played on March 29th at AutoZone Park in Memphis, TN.

Civil Rights Game pays tribute to one of our country's most significant eras
of social change and honors MLB's involvement in the historic struggle of African-American
players who broke the race-barriers and made important contributions to American

Messina "The Mets Poet"
and fellow compatriot, Ron Whitehead will be in Memphis to attend the game
and bring poetic point to the after game festivities. Game starts at 4:00 PM
For more Messina,
The Mets and Everything Poetry! Click Here!

and Of Note! - Sunny South Bound -
Spring finds David Amram hitting the bricks southbound for Performances,
Appearances and Lectures in south and central Florida starting March 25-27 at
Miami Dade
College Florida Center for the Literary Arts with a performance at the
historic Tobacco Road,
Miami's oldest bar/caberet, on 3/27 at 7 PM. Amram happenings in Florida contine
through till mid-April. Click
Here to view his appearance schedule.

Note - 5 Years Too Long - 4
Thousand Dead, Tens of Thousands Maimed and Billions spent the conflict in Iraq
sadly goes on. NYC Poet and Activist, Jackie
Sheeler brings her reflect of these 5 Years of Sorrow to sight
and sound with her PixPoem 5
IraqiVersary Five.

honor and respect for those who have lost we bring you contributing Insom Alt-Journalist,
Jeremy Hogan's VidClip of Joan Baez at Camp Casey in Crawford, TX
asking the question once again, "Where
Have All The Flowers Gone."

Note! - Love, Faith, Hope -
In celebration on this St. Patrick's Day 2008, we here at Insomniacathon
On-Line! are pleased to share a poem of "Going
Home" along with a story of Kerouac, Behan and Joyce
called, "Drinking a pint with Behan
and Kerouac" both from NYC Writer, Author and Playwright,
Patrick Fenton. Click Here
to visit St. Patrick's Day 2008 at
Insomniacathon On-Line!

New & Of Note! - Shining Like the Sun - A
Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Thomas Merton's Louisville Epiphany -
On March 18, 1958, Thomas Merton stood at the corner of Fourth and
Walnut Street (now Muhammad Ali Boulevard) in Louisville and upon looking at the
people there, had a revelation and new vision for humanity. This March 18th
a celebration of Merton's Louisville Epiphany will be held at the Muhammad Ali
Center in Louisville. Doors open at 8:30 PM. While at the Muhammad Ali
Center be sure to visit "A Hidden
Wholeness: The Zen Photography of Thomas Merton" an exhibition
of Merton's photography from the Collections of the Thomas Merton Center at
Bellarmine University. Click
Here To Learn More about Thomas Merton and the Shining
Like the Sun celebration.

--- The Wanderer - The Official Alternative to Thunder
Over Louisville!
New & Of Note! -
"All Things Change; Nothing Perishes" -
A decade since he last produced (and nearly 5 years since last experienced) Ron
Whitehead once again brings the marathon Poetry and Music Festival known as
Rudyard Kipling in Louisville, KY April 11, 2008. Tickets go
on sale Saturday, March 15th at 10am at earX-tacy
Records, Bardstown Road, Louisville.

Note! - Happy Birthday Jack! -
March 12th would of been Jack Kerouac's 86th birthday and in celebratory revel
we bring a great VidClip of John Ventimiglia (The Sopranos) with David
Amram at The Bowery
Poetry Club at the start of HowlFest 2007 where David brought
his "Diamonds In The Sidewalks"
show commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Kerouac/Amram first Jazz/poetry
Click Here to view "I
Think Of Neal." Also
Of Note! - You can catch David Amram at The
Cornelia Street Cafe every 1st Monday of the month and for more
sights and sounds from HowlFest 2007 be sure to visit the HowlFest
2007 Special at Insomniacathon On-Line!

& Of Note! - Bob Holman IS NOT 60! -
The P.T. Barnum of Poetry, Bob
Holman celebrates his Soixantième Soiree' at the Big Top
known as The Bowery Poetry
Club in grand Gala and Ribauld with 60 poets on Monday, March
10th at 7 PM. We here at Insomniacathon On-Line!
wish Bob many more on his natal node and all the best for many more years to come.
To get a gander of The Bowery Bard at his best, Click
Here to view his touching trib to Ted Joans, "The
Hat" and his B-Day Salute to fellow Bowery Bud, David
Amram. Click
Here to view his PraisePoem, "I
Once Was A French Horn."
History Month

New & Of Note! Insomniacathon
On-Line! celebrates National
Women's History Month 2008 with
pooling of the wealth the women at Insomniacathon On-Line! bring to a Global
Literary Renaissance! Click
Here to View!

New & Of Note! - Leap and Bound -
In this Leap Year 08' The Mets Poet,
Frank Messina makes way to Spring training in Port St. Lucie to see
the Amazin's get their game on, bound for a Pennant!

Two weeks ago at the Turning
Point gig the Insom cams caught the Met Poet in revel and recount of Messina
Mets moments. Click
Here To View the VidClip of , "Mets
Fan - Playing for The Mets" For more
Messina, The Mets and Everything Poetry! Click

Note! - Total
Lunar Eclipse -
visible across most of North America. The show began at 8:45 p.m., peaked at 10:26
p.m. and ended at Midnight. Alt Journalist, Photographer and Insom contributor,
Jeremy Hogan
took the camera outside in Bloominton, IN and sent us this snap. To
Learn More About this celestial event,

& Of Note! - Frank
Messina's 40th Birthday Celebration! - With
his all-star group,
OCTOPOET, featuring
Scott Murawski (of
Max Creek),
Robbie Gordon (of
Gil Scott-Heron's Amnesia Express),
Souren Baronian, Victor Jones, Jay Roosa (of
PaPa HooDoo)
with special guests
David Amram, Tyrone Cotton, Ron Whitehead, Dawn Lorentz take
the party toThe
Turning Point February 16th.

Of Note! - The Pix and Video Are In!
- The Cams were there and caught the SoulProse Sights and Sounds
of this Party Night at The Turning Point! Click
Here To View The PhotoBook!

Here To View the VidClip of
Ron Whitehead's kick off of the festivities with his PraisePoem, "Searching
for Frank Messina"

New & Of Note - World
Premiere of Kerouacs Last Call -
Patrick Fentons new play Kerouacs
Last Call will receive its World Premiere production in Jack Kerouacs
hometown of Lowell, MA on February 15th, in a limited run that includes Feb
15,16, 22, and 23 upstairs at The Old Court Tavern, 29-31 Central Street
in downtown Lowell. Click
To Learn More about Kerouacs
Last Call it;s author, Patrick Fenton and Box Office

& Of Note! - Frank
Messina's 40th Birthday Celebration! - With his all-star group,
OCTOPOET, featuring Scott Murawski (of Max Creek), Robbie Gordon
(of Gil Scott-Heron's Amnesia Express), Souren Baronian, Larry McDonald,
Victor Jones, with special guests David Amram, Tyrone Cotton,
Ron Whitehead, the party's at. The Turning Point, 468 Piermont Ave,
Piermont, NY. Tickets ON SALE NOW!. Call 845-359-1089 or
Here To Order On-Line!

and of Note! On this Valentine's
Day 08' join the Insom Love Fest with a couple of VidClips
of affectionate prose from David
Amram, and one from Frank
Messina. Also a soulful ballad Mp3
to swing and sway with your baby from Gamble & Huff hitman, Bunny
Sigler (with James Walck
laying down the big bottom) on "Can
You Feel It" Happy Valentine's
Day! Also Of Note! - Ron Whitehead
makes a special guest appearance tonight at The
Bowery Poetry Club's "Ye
Fourth Annual Wife of Bath Valentine's Festival of Erotic Poetry."
Show starts at 10 PM!

New & Of Note!
Delta Blues Legend David
"HoneyBoy" Edwards won a Grammy Award in the category
of Best Traditional Blues Album for his Earwig
Music CD, "The Last of the Great
Mississippi Delta Bluesmen." Fellow
Insomniacathonians Michael
Dean Pollock and Siggi Sig and PaPa
HooDoo have appeared with this true living Delta Blues Legend. We congratulate
Honeyboy and Earwig Music for winning a Grammy and celebrate their
efforts in "Kepping The Flane Alive!"

and Of Note - School
Days - Howl: 4th Annual
Celebration of Columbia's Beats - On February 8th, Columbia University
will honor its prodigal sons, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg in
an afternoon into evening celebration with panel discussions, student and alumni
poetry readings with a reception and exhibition in the Rare Book and Manuscript

Later in the evening, there will be a program of jazz and readings, with David
Amram and his quartet. Admission is FREE! Festivities start at 3:30 PM
, Click
Here for all event schedule info.

& Of Note! - Be sure to visit the HowlFest
2007 Special at Insomniacathon On-Line! for VidClips and
Pix from performances at The Bowery Poetry Club, Bar On A and Gathering
of The Tribes of David Amram, Ron Whitehead, Steve Dalachinsky George Wallace,
John Ventimiglia, Michael Warren McHugh and more! from the the HowlFest
2007 festivities and happenings!

Note - The Year of the Rat -
The Chinese New Year begins on Thursday, February 7th, celebrating the
Year of the Rat. It is a time of hard work, activity, and renewal. The Rat is
respected and considered a courageous, enterprising person. People born in the
Year of Rat are clever and bright, sociable and family-minded. They have broad
interests and strong ability in adapting to the environment and able to react
adequately to any changes. Click
Here to Learn More about the Year of the Rat.
Les Bon Temps Roulez!
Note! On
this year's Mardi Gras,"PoorBob"
Sushko weighs in with some sooth on this Fat Tuesday 2008! Click
Here to read his reflect.

and Of Note - LAVA House Destroyed
- On January 26th a devestating fire destroyed LAVA House
the Louisville, KY powerpoint for creative visual and performing artists. Tragically,
long time resident, friend and compatriot to LAVA House and the creative community,
Bill Christie, died from injuries sustained from the fire. Started in 2001
by Aron Conaway and Bart Herre LAVA stands for the Louisville
Assembly of Vanguard Art.

Here for information about what happened to the LAVA House, when
and where Benefits/Fund-raisers will be held and how you can help the Louisville
artistic community re-build and heal.

Rememberance On
this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day read these
poems fromJeremy
and Charlie
Newman . May Peace Be.

& Of Note - Peace Bus Torched
- On Januarr 11th, The Yellow Rose (aka The Peace
Bus) was destroyed by fire while ata truck stop in southern New Jersey. Owner-Operator-Driver
(and Veteran), Jim Goodnow escaped the flames but the bus was totalled.Jim,
who was at Camp Casey with Cindy Sheehan in August of 2005, got
the Yellow Rose shortly thereafter and has been providing transportation to Iraq
Veterans Against the War for their various tours and anti-war activities.
Click Here for whole story.

New & Of Note! - The
World Premiere of David Amram's
"Symphonic Variations On A Song By Woody
Guthrie" was
performed by the
Silicon Valley on
September 29th, 2007.

you can hear the world premiere performance on line from the website of
Symphony Silicon Valley. Click
Here To Listen!

& Of Note - Bill Kreutzmann (Greatful
Dead) Mike Gordon (Phish) and Scott
Murawski (Max Creek, Octopoet) rang in the New Year at Docelunas
in Jaco, Costa Rica on January 5th in a show to benefit Garabito
Schools Environmental Education program sposored by The
Central Pacific Chamber of Commerce.
to The Insomniacathon

Year's Eve Galleria!
View News,
New and Of Note - 2007 Click Here!

back often as we'll update with the latest and greatest happenings as they cross
our desks here at Insomniacathon.org!